Colonial Unit

Directions:  Look at the Test.  Only copy down the questions and correct answers that are marked with a star**** (Questions 18-24).  Answers are in bold print.

Colonial Unit Test 1.    In which region of the United States was the first permanent English settlement located?


         1   Pacific Northwest

         2   Great Plains

         3   Atlantic Coast

         4   Great Lakes


2. The main reason the Pilgrims came to  America was to


      1  hunt for gold.

      2  search for food.

      3  find freedom of religion.

      4  convert the Indians.


3. “Finally, after two days of questioning, she made a mistake.  She said that God had spoken directly to her.  To Puritans, that

was a terrible error.”  This account of a trial refers to


         1  Mary Musgrove.

         2  Margaret Brent.

         3  Anne Hutchinson.

         4  Queen Henrietta Maria.


4.   Which of the following statements about relations between Native Americans and European settlers is true?


1   The Dutch were more harsh toward Native Americans than the Spanish.

2  In North America, European settlers seldom seized Indian land.

3  European missionaries tried to convert Indians to Christianity.

4  Fur trading with Europeans brought peace to Native Americans.


5.  The first permanent English colony was set up in 1607 at


      1  Jamestown.

      2  Plymouth.

      3  Roanoke.

      4  Leyden.


6.   The need for agricultural workers in the early southern colonies led to the


        1  formation of labor unions

        2  decision to industrialize

        3  improvement in farming

        4  use of enslaved persons from   



7.  Which colony was settled by Quakers who allowed freedom of worship to anyone who  believed in God?


        1  Pennsylvania

        2  Rhode Island

        3  Maryland

        4  Delaware


8.   In 1732, James Oglethorpe set up the colony of Georgia, whose settlers were


       1  Jews.

       2  Catholics.

       3  debtors.

       4  indentured servants.


9.   Which of the following statements about voting in the colonies could vote.


       1  Any man over 21 could vote.

2  White Christian men over 21 who owned property could vote.

3  Any Protestant over 21 could vote.

4  Any property owner could vote.


10. The main purpose of the Navigation Acts passed by England was to:


1  limit the size of ships in English waters

2  ensure that England benefited from colonial trade

3  train sailors for the British navy

4  limit manufacturing in colonial America


11. Because of the climate and soil of New England,


       1  settlers built plantations.

       2  farming was difficult.

       3  settlers could hold town meetings.

       4  trade was unprofitable.


12.  “English, Dutch, and Germans come on board to choose the healthy passengers and bargain with them how long they will serve for their passage money.  Adults bind themselves to serve anywhere from 3 to 6 years. Young people must serve until they are  21 years of old.”  This primary source concerns


      1  enumerated articles.

       2  indentured servants.

       3  exports.

       4  Quakers.


13.  “The meetinghouse was built by our own vote, framed by our own hammers and saws, and by our own hands set in the most convenient place for all.”  Which of the following statements does this primary source support?


      1  Colonists avoided community responsibility by refusing to help build meetinghouses.

      2  The king denied colonists their rights by forcing the colonists to build meetinghouses.

3  Colonists acted as a  community by voting for and  building meetinghouses close enough for everyone to get to,

4  Colonists ignored the rights of others by building meetinghouses in remote areas. 



14.  Which geographic condition in the Southern colonies contributed to their use of slaves?


1  rocky soil and a short growing season.

2  fertile coastal plain and a long growing season.

3  heavily forested mountain ranges.

4   rich deposits of mineral resources.


15.  By the mid-1700s, the three main social classes in the colonies were the


1  planters, merchants, and royal officials.

2  farmhands, indentured   servants, and slaves.

3  gentry, middle class, and “lower class.”


16.  Why did most colonial farmers settle near oceans or coastal waterways?


1      Fewer Native American Indians lived there.

2      Local governments paid farmers to do so.

3      There were fewer problems with removal of trees and rocks.

4      Transportation of products was easier.


17.  Racism is the belief that


1  all children should learn to read.

2  nations should trade with each other.

3  one race is superior to another.

       4  a king should make the laws.


****18.  During the colonial period, New England town meetings were important because they


1  decreased the people’s role in government.

       2  weakened democratic ideals

       3  increased the colonists’ dependence on Great Britain

4  helped establish democratic government in America.



****19.   The belief that colonies exist to benefit the economy of the mother country is known as


       1   triangular trade

        2  mercantilism

        3  free trade

        4  nativism


****20. In the Colonial Era, developments such as the New England town meetings and the establishment of the Virginia House of Burgesses represented

  1. colonial attempts to build a strong national government
  2. efforts by the British to strengthen their control over the colonies
  3. steps in the growth of representative democracy
  4. early social reform movements

****21. The British system of mercantilism was opposed by many American colonists because it

  1. placed quotas on immigration
  2. discouraged the export of raw materials to England
  3. placed restrictions on trading
  4. encouraged colonial manufacturing

****22. The Mayflower Compact, House of Burgesses, and Fundamental Orders of Connecticut are all examples of the efforts of colonial Americans to

  1. use democratic practices in government
  2. protest British land policies
  3. establish religious freedom
  4. overthrow British royal governors

****23. The Mayflower Compact of 1620 is considered an important step in the development of democracy in America because it

1.     expressed the importance of self-government

2.     established freedom of religion

3.     created the first colonial judiciary

4.     granted all males the right to vote



****24. In its economic relationship with its North American colonies, Great Britain followed the principles of 18th-century mercantilism by

  1. outlawing the African slave trade
  2. limiting the colonies’ trade with other nations
  3. encouraging the development of manufacturing in the colonies
  4. establishing laws against business monopolies

25. Democratic institutions and the idea of self-government developed in the Thirteen British colonies because


1. Englishmen had a Bill of Rights

2. King John signed the Magna Carta, which evolved into trial by jury and an eventual Parliament.

3. England had evolved ino a constitutional monarchy

4. All of the Above.


26. In 1664, the Dutch colony of New Netherland was taken over by the:

1. Spanish

2. English

3. French